Catholic Church of The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady - Penzance - website - part of the Parish of The Holy Family
We hope you enjoy reading excerpts from the December 2000, (Volume 2, Issue 3) issue
of our parish magazine The editors take no responsibility for views expressed by contributors to this publication
The articles do not appear on this page in any particular order
The editors of Rosevean Review wish all our fellow parishioners a Very Merry and Holy Christmas and a Happy and Successful New Year. May the love of the child Jesus spread among us all, and may His help be with us in every endeavour we undertake in the future.
Our parish bulletin for the first Sunday of Advent had a very thought-provoking piece from a document published by Pax Christi called Peacemaking Day by Day. I think it worth recording this piece again:
Jesus was the most perfect human being who ever existed. In Advent we prepare ourselves for his coming in trying to become more fully human ourselves. The words of Morris West are a guide: "It takes so much to be a full human being that there are few who have the enlightenment or the courage to pay the price. One has to abandon altogether the search for security and reach out to the risk of living with both arms. One has to embrace the world like a lover and yet demand no easy return of love. One has to accept pain as a condition of existence. One needs a will steadfast in conflict but apt always to the total acceptance of living and dying."
Preparing to welcome Christ into our hearts and our homes and into our world is quite a challenge. when Christ comes he does, for sure, comfort us. There can be no greater good news for us than to know that our God is with us; that our God has taken on himself the toil and trouble of our human condition. The coming of our God is a comfort. It is also a challenge. Here is One in our midst who manifests in word and deed how we can be fully human. Christ shows us that being human means not just joyful presence at Cana’s wedding but also surviving the dreadful darkness of Gethsemane.
My heart goes out this Advent time to those who will prepare for Christmas fully aware of what Morris West says: "One has to accept pain as a condition of existence" I think of all of us who have been bereaved during the past year or who still ache at the loss, at any time in the past, of a loved one. I think of those of us whose health gives concern, who may be undergoing treatment. I think too of those who have lost a sense of security with regard to work, especially those currently unemployed. Our sisters and brothers in the farming and fishing sectors continue to have a bleak time. I think, too, of all who grapple with domestic violence or the demons of addictions.
Being fully human cost Jesus much; it still costs us much. Advent, however, is a season, a time through which we pass. Advent ends with a festival of arrival. There has come into our darkness a great Light. His name is Immanuel, God-is-with-us.
May the Light of Christ shine in your hearts. May the Peace of Christ be with us all.
God bless you all.
The plans for new toilet facilities and a disabled ramp (plus re-surfacing the old school car-park) have received planning permission from both Penzance Town Council and Penwith District Council and are currently being considered by the Historic Churches Commission. Early indications are that (subject to certain architectural safeguards) approval will be received shortly.
In addition, the Parish Finance Committee has received quotations for upgrading the church audio system and has placed an order for the work to proceed. This work should be completed in the next month or so.
Next on the list of priorities for improvement is the upgrading of the Church’s central heating system and the redevelopment of the old school building.
The old school currently suffers from a bad case of dry rot, and the interior needs significant revamp. A business plan must be put in place to determine the economic viability of any project that is undertaken.
If a suitable community development or training project can be identified, it may be possible to apply for funds from Objective 1 sources. Such funds are not available for purely religious projects.
Thoughts and ideas - in writing please - to the Editors.
December 2000 heralds the launch of a new initiative by music enthusiasts in our Church The Church of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady Choir Association, which will be known as Gaudete!, is the brainchild of Musical Director, David Gridley. Being formed to support the newly formed Junior Choir and the existing Adult Choir, its main aim is to set up an endowment which will provide the necessary funding for replenishing and extending their music for years to come.
The Association hopes to achieve this aim through membership subscription and fundraising events. This will not all be musical in nature but should be a lot of fun! Everyone is invited to become a member. Brochures are available which explain more about the Association and how you may join, so keep an eye out for them.
The launch takes place on Sunday 17 December at 6.00 pm. As an Advent celebration of carols and readings in the Church, followed by festive refreshments in the Parish Hall, it should be a wonderful way to get you into the Christmas spirit.
Your support is vital for Gaudete’s success. Please come!
Mary Haddy (Chairperson)
Stamp out Torture
Our latest campaign will last till the end of 2001. This year Amnesty has already been lobbying MPs in an attempt to stop the international trade in weapons and devices which could be used for torture - which is committed in half the countries in the world. We are demanding that torturers are brought to justice, and urging other countries to sign the UN Convention against Torture.
Thet Win Aung, Adopted Burmese Prisoner of Conscience
Thet remains imprisoned for demonstrating for better education. The Universities have been reopened but sited in areas away from the cities where they are under close surveillance by the military regime. Students, hard up as always, get together and pay for one of their number to attend and take notes for them!
Aung San Suu Kyi
Nobel Peace Prize winner, democratically elected leader of Burma but never allowed to govern, expresses the hopes of the people: "The quest for democracy in Burma is the struggle of a people to live whole meaningful lives as free and equal members of the world community… I am one of the majority of people in Burma struggling for democracy. It is my aim to help people attain democracy without further violence or loss of life. Within a system which denies basic human rights - fear seems to be the order of the day. Fear of imprisonment, fear of torture, fear of death, fear of losing friends, family and property, of the means of livelihood, fear of poverty, fear of isolation, fear of failure.... It is not enough to provide the poor with material assistance, they have to be sufficiently empowered to change their perceptions of themselves as helpless and ineffectual in an uncaring world".
Please continue to give these and our other campaigns your support.
Audrey Evans
"Lord thou knowest better than I know myself that I am growing older. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from craving to straighten out everybody’s affairs.
Make me thoughtful but not moody; helpful but not bossy. With my store of wisdom it seems a pity not to use it all, but thou knowest Lord that I want a few friends at the end.
Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips on my aches and pains. I dare not ask for grace enough to enjoy the tales of others’ pains, but help me to endure them with patience.
I dare not ask for improved memory but for a growing humility and a lessing cocksureness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken.
Keep me reasonably sweet; I do not want to be a Saint - some of them are so hard to live with - but a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil.
Give me the ability to see good things in unforeseen places and talents in unexpected people. And, give me O Lord, the grace to tell them so. Amen"
Author unknown - Submitted by Nat Dann.
Written by a parish priest who has since - perhaps understandably! - retired.
Leader of people, wisest of guides; diplomat, elder, who never takes sides.
Inspirer, Confessor, forgiver of sins; caretaker, cleaner and emptier of bins.
Welcome baptiser of infants in arms; counter of candles and infiller of forms.
Father and teacher, chaplain to schools; chairman of governors, maker of rules.
Guide of the juniors, infants and staff; with time to be serious, time for a laugh.
Counsellor, preacher, entertainer at times; ever available ‘til midnight chimes.
Parish accountant and administrator; secretary, typist and duplicator.
Signer of mass cards, reference composer, certificate writer and passport endorser.
Digger of gardens, inspector of drains, checker of roofs each time that it rains.
Redesigner of churches, to fill empty pews; reglazer of windows, repairer of loos.
Visitor, caller, knocker on doors; target of gossips and cadgers and bores.
Chaplain to hospital, long or short stay, "please don’t forget, my Mum’s in for the day."
The doctors and nurses all merit a call, smile kindly at everyone - keep on the ball.
Sayer of masses and liturgy leader, celebrant, sacristan, cantor and reader.
Marshall of servers, collectors and choir, of hymn books and papers - both seller and buyer.
President of Eucharist, calm as you like - "but did I remember to switch on the mike"?!
Celebrant of masses, devotions and prayers, patient receiver of everyone’s cares.
Marriage encounter and parish renewal; Joumeys of Faith and liturgical jewels.
Shepherd to prayer groups, prophet and pastor; spiritual director and guru and master.
Front line evangelist, missionary, catalyst; guardian of faith and converter and catechist.
Supporter of CAFOD and Christian Aid, with boxes and envelopes of all shapes and shades.
Friend of the Anglicans, Methodists, Jews; Moslems and Buddhists - and everyone’s views.
Joint schemes and services, unity prayers, civic occasions and parties and fairs.
Blesser of Rosaries, of houses and homes, the power and the glory still stretching from Rome.
Help of the sick and anointer and healer; support for the dying and final appealer.
Conductor of funerals, comfort of mourners, called to give solace to even the scorners.
By bingo enthusiasts and drinkers he’s seen, as the beginning and end of the social life scene.
Drawer of Raffles, Jumble Sales and Stalls - even rushing to Court to re-licence the Hall.
Minister of marriage, the guide of young love, advisor of couples who need help from above.
Provider of insight into all life connubial; collector of forms for the marriage tribunal.
Man of prayer and reflection, of study and thought, but still finding time for the news and the sport.
Something for everyone, you might exclaim, but when things go wrong who is it they blame?
PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM 22nd to 27th October 2000
Pilgrims have been coming to Walsingham for over nine hundred years. Imagine that - millions of God-loving people who by their faith have left their presence felt in this small village and surrounding area. Walsingham has remained unspoiled by its visitors, it is a very olde-worlde village of narrow streets, ancient buildings and tiny flint stone cottages.
The High Street
Walsingham is called England’s Nazareth and to wander around this area is like going back in time and in certain places it does feel like you are walking on holy ground. In the middle ages Walsingham ranked among the four major places of pilgrimage and was (and still is) a place of prayer, grace, heating, miraculous cures, penance, reparation and reconciliation.
The sites and buildings we visited are steeped in history and I had a strange sense of affinity, but nothing could have prepared me for the’ wondrous calming sense of deep peace which came over me in the Slipper Chapel.
I understand now why people want to go back to visit time and again. It is like a spiritual pull which words are inadequate to describe, the feeling has to be experienced.
The history of Pilgrimages to Walsingham started in 1061 when Our Lady came in a vision to Richeldis de Faverches. Obeying the Virgin’s command, Richeldis built a replica of the house in Nazareth where the Annunciation too place. Sadly, this building was desecrated and destroyed on 4 August 1538 and the site is just marked with a simple wooden plaque. However, the Slipper Chapel built in 1325 is still standing, and is so called because it was
from here that the pilgrims took off their footwear and walked the Holy Mile to the village. The ‘Catholic’ Holy Statue and shrine to Our Lady of Walsingham is situated here.
The Holy Statue
Our week was spent in prayer; we walked in procession along the Holy Mile to Our Lady of Walsingham’s shrine, attended Masses, Morning and Evening Prayer, the Rosary, Benediction, Reconciliation and a most beautiful service of the Anointing of the Sick.
Fr Alan Williams, Director of the National Shrine, and Fr Peter Murray did much to contribute to our spiritual welfare and their introductory talks before Services were most informative (and at times extremely entertaining). We were very fortunate too to have Adrian Dyer with us, Deacon at Camborne, who kept us prayerful, and who was a fund of knowledge.
In fact we were surrounded with such splendour that it left us speechless in amazement.
Pilgrimage is essentially a penitential task but perhaps towards the end of the week this left us all with carefree spirits because joy and laughter were abundant.
The Slipper Chapel
Christine did a splendid job of organising everything, plus the itinerary, so that we were able to fit in a visit to the Caithness Crystal Glass Factory at King’s Lynn - where we watched the skill of craftsmen producing exquisite forms from molten glass and then had a browse around the factory buying up all the bargain ‘seconds’.
And Sandringham! The Palace was not open to the public but the grounds were. We wandered around the beautiful park-land and then suddenly came across Sandringham Church -(I’m sure many of you will have seen the Royal Family on TV, at Christmas time, gathering outside the lychgate). We casually strolled in -and oh what an astonishing sight greeted us. The Chancel roof is magnificently decorated in gold, the altar and back is of solid silver (tons of it!), all beautifully engraved and glowing with silver and gold and precious stones; the pulpit too is panelled in solid silver with figure work in high relief and all around were beautifully carved figures, candlesticks, and crosses in precious metals.
Some unforgettable memories of this Pilgrimage, the people and events are:
Dear Grace - who was presented with a witches broomstick by the coach driver and told she would have to travel on that in future! Then the next day Grace tripped and took such a nose dive to the ground that it left her with a bleeding nose and knee, but once we had established there was no serious injury, Grace got well and truly teased about falling off her broomstick!
I can also remember Keith, Ray and Brian laughing so heartily that Brian fell oft his chair, which then caused the three of them to collapse into helpless hysteria and left the rest of us full of curiosity.
And how could I possibly forget my own experience. I had just had a shower and dried myself and was in the process of putting on my pants when I leaned on the door and it gave way. I fell out into the corridor! Shock, horror, realisation, - I couldn’t scramble up and hide fast enough; and being covered in confusion was no help in these circumstances! There were plenty of wisecracks and much laughter following this incident!! (The story got out I’m afraid because I felt I ought to report the faulty lock).
Well - to sum up the week - it was a most enjoyable experience. There was no pressure, one could please oneself on the extent of involvement. It was spiritually rewarding, relaxing, and in a lovely and interesting area; but most of all everyone was friendly and good company - and all for £220! - I’ve already booked for next year! (The dates are 30 September to 6 October 2001).
Clare Wilson
- Official Walsingham website - Catholic & Anglican
NEWS FLASH £1094.00 was raised from the Charity Shop -which will go towards the new toilet and disabled ramp. Well done everyone!
During the past year, I have gained my accreditation as a trained voluntary Support / Outreach Worker for Breast Cancer Care. My role is to offer emotional support on a one to one basis to any fellow sufferers of breast cancer - female or male - and their partners and families. I also deal with referrals from Breast Cancer Care National Help line (Freephone 0808 8006000).
If there is anybody among your circle of family or friends currently needing emotional support due to having breast cancer, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Mary Chown
There is a hope for tomorrow -
If all is dismay, Kneel at your bedside quietly and pray.
Have faith for the future, be determined to win,
whatever you do never give in.
Always remember your prayers every day,
be thinking of others who need help on their way.
Never forget to thank the dear Lord above for all that He gives us
His heavenly love.
Brendan Burke of Terenure, Dublin Submitted by Desmond Friel
I wish to complain that my father hurt his ankle very badly when he put his foot through a hole in his back passage.
This is to let you know that there is a smell coming from the man next door.
The toilet is cracked, where do I stand? Our kitchen floor is very damp, we have two children and would like a third so will you please send somebody round to do something about it.
CR of Rawmarsh Parish
Sometimes it is difficult to comprehend the Holy Trinity - how can three Persons be the same God?
The Holy Trinity is three Persons, namely:
- God our Father - the Creator of all the life force of our universe - animal, vegetable and mineral, visible and invisible.
- God the Son - His human reminder that we are all messengers of God’s word and made in God’s image.
- God the Holy Spirit - the guiding intellectual consciousness of all mankind.
If any one of the three Persons were to be missing then God in which we believe would not be complete.
If we look at our own individual humanity we can see that we too have a trinity. If any part of our human trinity were missing, our own humanity as we know it would totally change.
For instance, we have a life force - something that God our Father gives us at our conception to keep us alive and which is removed at death.
We also have an animal body of bone, tissue, muscle and blood - something Jesus Christ, the Son of God, used to bring God’s message to the world and to enable him to be part of the human race during his time on earth.
Finally, we have a psyche - an inbred intangible consciousness on which our intellect is based and with which we are able to know right from wrong, good from bad, how to pray, how we live in our society, etc.
If any one of our three parts - our trinity - were missing, we would not function as living members of the human race that we know.
Therefore, there are surely three persons in each human being:
- The Living Person - our life force,
- The Human Person - our animal form
- The Spiritual Person - our intellectual psyche.
Since we are all made in God’s image, doesn’t it make sense that we should also be made in the image of the three Persons in that one God?
Patrick French
Baptisms: Lucy Sarah Twynham,
Daniel Lees, Caroline Dauncey,
Nicole Virginia Newton, Melanie Cardillo,
Liam Seamus McFadden and
Luke Declan McFadden, Tallulah Maisie Julia
Campbell Bannerman, Matilda Lou Black,
Joseph Rhys Dann, and Olivia Dugdale Hewitt.
Marriages: Julia Pingree and David Penhaligon.
Deaths: Winnie Jenkin, Peter Brady, George Welch, Peter Pettitt, Mrs Jo Murray,
Henry Thomas Keith Tose, David John Gates, Elsie Dann, Jessie Catherine Knott
Julian Richard Benson, Austen Tweedale, Robert "Bobby" John Castillo, and
Gladys Mary Harvey
So far today I have done alright -
I have not gossiped -
I have not lost my temper -
I have not been greedy, grumpy nasty or
selfish, proud or over indulgent.
I am very thankful for that
But in a few minutes, God
120 ml (8 level tablespoons) Apricot Jam
75 ml (5 tablespoons) Light Soy Sauce
120 ml (8 tablespoons) Dry Sherry
30 ml (2 tablespoons) Lemon Juice
4 Cloves Garlic, crushed
2.5 cm (1 inch) piece of Fresh Root Ginger, peeled and grated
350 g (12 oz) Aubergine (Egg Plant)
6 Chicken Breast Fillets with skin on -About 150 g (5 oz) each -
(or you can use Chicken Thighs)
1 Mix together Jam, Soy Sauce, Sherry, Lemon Juice, Garlic and Ginger
2 Thinly slice Aubergine (Egg Plant)
3 Line a large roasting tin with foil. Place/spread out Aubergine and the Chicken pieces into the tin. Spoon over the Ginger mixture.
4 Cook at 425 deg F (250 deg C or Gas Mark 7) for about 30 to 35 minutes, basting occasionally until the Chicken and Aubergine are well browned and glazed. Add a little water, if necessary, towards the end of cooking.
Thanks - to Pat French for the above recipe -I’ve tried it and its delicious. Would YOU like to send in a copy of a favourite recipe? If we collect enough - I can make a booklet of them and perhaps we can sell the booklets to raise funds. (Please mark the envelope for my attention, thanks, Clare)
We hope you enjoyed reading excerpts from Volume 2, Issue 3 December 2000 of our parish magazine ROSEVEAN REVIEW
"Thank you" to everyone who has sent in contributions for this issue of the Magazine. Articles on memories of our Church and Parish, or local topics, or any other interesting items, plus poems, cartoons and fillers will all be very welcome. Contributions can be given to any member of the Editorial team or dropped through Presbytery letter box - for the attention of Clare. Please keep them coming. Thanks again.
Editorial Board: Helen Curnow, Nat Dann, Pat French, Celia Mount, Ray Stevens and Clare Wilson
The editors take no responsibility for views expressed by contributors to this publication
This page created 20th March, 2001 ~