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In 1981 Mother Teresa announced her Prayer for Peace asking that it be used around the world daily at noon local time. A chain of prayer would thus be set up, activated at each of the twenty-four hours of the day. Those who could not use the prayer at noon might do so at any other time.

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Lead me from Death to Life, from Falsehood to Truth.

Lead me from Despair to Hope, from Fear to Trust.

Lead me from Hate to Love, from War to Peace.

Let Peace fill our Heart, our World, our Universe.    

Peace    Peace    Peace

The threefold peace is presented only after we have been led to reflect upon the things which make for peace. Mother Teresa asks that a full minute be spent daily, using the prayer either vocally or meditating on it The prayer takes less than half a minute to say, but the time may be extended by repeating the three-fold peace after every double line: or yet more after every line. In this way the word Peace will in time become lodged in the heart acting as a centering prayer which can be drawn upon (or may present itself) at any time. 

It is a step towards the unceasing prayer which St Paul urges upon Christians. The prayer becomes carried in the heart even when the mind is unaware of it, invading even our sleep as well as other activities. All who are familiar with the prayer life will understand this.

If the prayer be meditated upon, it may be best to read it first silently and then either to sit before it in silence or repeat the threefold peace until the minute is completed. Many will want to use the prayer beyond the time set.  The prayer is adapted from the Hindu scriptures and is suited to people of all faiths, indeed to every person of goodwill. The times we are passing through seem to be crying out for its extended use. Many feel helpless to make a constructive contribution, but the influence of faithful prayer is incalculable. And, like mercy, 'it blesses him that gives and him that takes.'

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997) Memorial day September 5th


Please pray for an end to all wars, violence, injustice and famine

Strong and merciful God, You crush wars and overthrow the proud; banish violence from all areas of conflict and wipe away the tears of those who suffer. May all men and women, made in Your image and likeness, find in Your love and mercy, a pattern for their lives. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever, Amen

"Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity. It is right and it is duty." ~ Oscar Romero

 "Peace, peace, peace and only peace! Peace must reign between God and man and also between men!" 

MIR - PEACE - SHALOM more Medjugore messages

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