Father Patrick J. Kelly - our parish priest
From 2004 to July 2007
'PJ', as he prefered to be known, was
previously at Braunton parish in Devon and before that engaged in
mission work in Africa
We wished Father PJ a fond
farewell on July 9th 2007, with grateful thanks for his ministry here
and with peace and many blessings for the future.
Congratulations to Father
P.J. whose 40th ordination anniversary was on the 18th of June 2007.
A Mass of thanksgiving was celebrated on Sunday 1st July followed by a
superb buffet lunch which was well attended, including members of P.J's
family. We said we would be getting some details from 'PJ' for this page
when convenient for him! Well we never did, however the tribute given on the 1st of July, about
his life as a missionary priest for 30 years in Africa, was really
interesting and most inspiring.
updated September, 2007 (code \ links 2018) ~ ê¿ê
