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Homilies from 2009-10

Liturgical Year C - Advent 2009 to Feast of Christ The King, 2010

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2010-11 year A

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2012-13 also year C

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Bishop Christopher's reflections for Advent and Christmas 2009, liturgical year C, the year of Luke, click here for pdf file

 Sunday  20th December 2009 - 4th Sunday of Advent. Year C

Gospel - Luke 1:39-44 - Homily by Fr. Philip Dyson, 11am Mass

listen to audio file click to download/open (11:10 minutes)

1st reading, Micah 5:1-4; Ps 79:2-3.15-16,18-19; 2nd Hebrews 10:5-10



25th December 2009. Christmas Midnight Mass. 

The Nativity of the Lord. 

Gospel - Luke 2:1-14 Homily by Fr. Philip Dyson,  

listen to audio file click to download/open (12.41 minutes)

1st reading, Isaiah 9:1-7; Ps 95:1-3.11-13; 2nd Titus 2:11-14




Sunday 21st March 2010- 5th Sunday of Lent.

Gospel - John 8:1-11 ('The woman caught in Adultery')
by Fr. Philip Dyson, 11am Mass

listen to audio file click to download/open (10.00 minutes)

1st reading, Isaiah 43:16-21; 2nd Philippians 3:8-14



homilies for 2012-13 also year C

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