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Holy Week & Easter Masses in The Holy Family Parish


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2023: Holy Week events and Easter Mass times are given in the Lent & Holy Week liturgies & parish activities leaflet and will also be in current Newsletters

CTIPA - Good Friday Walk of Witness: 11.30am from the Penzance bus station or meet 11.45am outside Lloyds Bank for midday service. (see further below)


Wednesday in Holy Week: The Mass of The Sacred Chrism at Plymouth Cathedral (usually 12.00 noon). All welcome. The Chrism Mass is held during Holy Week every year. During this mass, the priests, deacons and representatives of the entire diocesan community gather around their Bishop, who blesses the Holy Oils - the Oil of the Sick, Oil of Catuchumens and the Sacred Chrism - for use in the coming year. Whenever the Holy Oils are used, the ministry of the Bishop who consecrated them is symbolically present. The Chrism Mass reminds us of our oneness in Christ through Baptism. It is also a key moment in which the unity of the Bishop with his priests is manifested and renewed. During the liturgy the priests renew their commitment to serve God’s people. At the end of the Chrism Mass, the Holy Oils are brought back to the parishes of the diocese for use in the coming year. All are welcome to this Mass. Cathedral is approx 10 mins on foot from the railway station.

The Sacred Paschal Triduum, The Easter Triduum, the “Three Days”, is the celebration of the Christian Passover. Just as our Jewish ancestors gathered annually to remember the events of their release from slavery in Egypt, so we gather to celebrate our Passover from death to life in Christ. The Triduum is at the heart and soul of our Catholic faith, commemorating the triumph of God's love over darkness and death. It is the fullest ritual expression of what it means to be a Christian. In our reliving and remembering, we are renewed and reborn along with the newly baptised of the Church. - In essence, the Triduum is one great celebration, over three days, including the Mass of the Lord’s Supper; the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion and His Resurrection at Easter. The Church remembers the greatest events in human history -  the realisation of God’s plan of salvation for us all. Through the blood of Jesus and through His resurrection from the dead, God has made a way for us all to fulfill the real purpose for our existence; that is, to live with Him forever. Please try to celebrate the whole of the Sacred Triduum.

Maundy Thursday: 

Mass of The Lord's Supper including the Mandatum, Procession of the Holy Oils; Procession to the Altar of Repose. Watch of the Passion ending with night prayer of the Church.

Good Friday: [n.b. Divine Mercy Novena commences today]

Choral Office of Readings (sung) & Morning Prayer

Churches Together in Penzance Area Ecumenical Good Friday Walk of Witness 11.30am from the Penzance bus station (opposite Tourist Information Centre) or meet at 11.45am outside Lloyds Bank for a short midday service.  Afterwards at The Salvation Army Citadel in Queens Street for refreshments.

Together, Christians throughout our country will be walking together in silent witness. { For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:5-6) }

Walk of Witness in St. Ives (see newsletter - is usually at 12 noon and preceded by Stations of the Cross)

Stations of the Cross in St. Joseph's, Hayle (see newsletter)

Holy Saturday:

Poswiecenie pokarmow, Pragniemy poinformowac, ze w Wielka Sobote, tj. 3 kwietnia w kosciele katolickim w Penzance, o godzinie 12 w poludnie odbedzie sie poswiecenie pokarmow. Wszystkich zainteresowanych serdecznie zapraszamy.

Blessing of Easter baskets in Penzance on Holy Saturday at midday, check newsletter. All welcome. In many Eastern European countries and particularly in Poland, it is tradition to have a basket of food blessed on Holy Saturday. The food items in the Easter basket have special significance. The white napkin that lines the basket represents the shroud of Christ. The lamb in sugar or dough stands for Jesus, the Paschal lamb. The hardboiled eggs symbolize new life in Christ rising from his tomb. Bread represents the bread of life given by God. Meat and sausages are symbols of the resurrected Christ. Salt is to add zest to life and sweets suggest the promise of eternal life. English explanation

The Solemn Vigil of Easter. (with reception of candidates into the Church; renewal of Baptismal Promises)

The Passover Vigil in which the Hebrews kept watch for the Lord's Passover which was to free them from slavery to Pharoah, prefigured the true Pasch of Christ that was to come. For the resurrection of Christ in which He 'broke the chains of death and rose triumphant from the grave', is the foundation of our faith and hope, and through Baptism and Confirmation we are inserted into the paschal mystery of Christ dying, and buried and raised with Him, and with Him we shall so reign. The full meaning of the Vigil is a waiting for the coming of the Lord.

Easter Sunday: Morning Mass at St. Ives and Penzance, including renewal of Baptismal Promises.


The first Sunday after Easter is 'Divine Mercy Sunday' (Novena commences on Good Friday) 
Service times and other details will be in Newsletters

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