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The Stations or Way of The Cross

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Photos of the ' Stations of The Cross' at Penzance Catholic Church


Dearest Lord Jesus Christ let me join in spirit with your sorrowful mother Mary, following your agonising way of the cross. Help me by your grace that I may carry the cross which I deserve on account of my sins. Give me strength that I may not fall again nor despair on my journey through life. Help me so that each station on the way of the cross may be a step forward on my way to heaven. Amen.

Choir:     Stood the mournful Mother weeping
               At the Cross her station keeping
               Seeing Her Son crucified

Congr:    Holy Mother hear my prayers,
               in my heart each wound renew,
               of Jesus my Saviour

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus is condemned to death

Let us visualise the scene of the innocent Jesus standing before the judge. Listen to all the false accusations whilst he remains silent. The excitable crowd which only a few days earlier hailed him as their king, now wildly shouts: "Crucify him, Crucify him!" He is sentenced and willingly accepts that sentence in order to redeem us from our sins.

Let us pray. Lord Jesus by my sins I have also contributed to that unjust sentence; I too have sentenced you to death by the sins of my life. Forgive me! Help me by your grace that I may accept patiently and with resignation whatever difficulties come my way to help me gain eternal salvation. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:    Through her heart,
              his sorrow sharing,
              All his bitter anguish bearing,
              Now at length the sword has passed.

Congr:   Holy Mother hear my prayers,
              in my heart each wound renew,
              of Jesus my Saviour.

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus receives the cross

Look at the heavy cross laid upon Jesus by his enemies. He is not carrying it because of himself but for our sakes and for the whole world. Our sins and those of all mankind are pressing upon his shoulders, but we do not mend our ways. Let us free ourselves as soon as possible from the heavy burden of sin in a contrite and sincere confession.

Let us pray, sweet Saviour, Jesus Christ, You have willingly accepted the cross laid upon your shoulders by my sins and the sins of mankind. Help me by your grace to reject sin in a spirit of true repentance. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:    Oh how sad and sore distressed
              Was that Mother highly blest
              Of the sole-begotten Son.

Congr:   Holy Mother hear my prayers,
              in my heart each wound renew,
              of Jesus my Saviour.

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus falls the first time under the cross

How grave are our sins! Under their burden falls he who with his omnipotent word holds the universe. He falls so that we may uplift ourselves from our sinful ways. Look at Jesus patiently enduring all the blows and insults. Yet we who deserve much more, complain and moan at the slightest inconvenience.

Let us pray. Innocent Jesus Christ, you fall under the burden of my sins that you may help me to my feet again. Give me strength dear Jesus never more to relapse into sin. By your grace grant that I may never again be separated from your love. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:     Is there one who would not weep,
               Whelmed in miseries so deep
               Christ's dear mother to behold?

Congr:    Holy Mother hear my prayers,
               in my heart each wound renew,
               of Jesus my Saviour

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus is met by His Blessed Mother

Look at the sight of the sorrowful Mother of Jesus weeping whilst following her Son. Consider her grief and broken heart in seeing Him so weary and disfigured. Who do you think has caused her so much pain? We, by our sins! Are we to cause more pain to the Mother of our Saviour by committing more sins? No, never again!

Let us pray, Dearest Jesus, for the sorrow you felt when meeting your Mother, I pray you to grant me a true devotion to your holy Mother. And you, O Mother of sorrows, help me always to be mindful of the passion of your Son that through his sufferings I may come to heaven. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:     Can the human heart refrain
               From partaking in her pain,
               In that mother's pain untold?

Congr:    Holy Mother hear my prayers,
               in my heart each wound renew,
               of Jesus my Saviour

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross

Our Saviour is so exhausted that he is unable to carry the cross but hard-hearted men have no mercy. Jesus healed many sick people and restored to life many who were dead: now He needs help Himself, yet there is no one to come to his aid. So his enemies solved the problem: they forced Simon to help him carry the cross. Lucky Simon! How well are we carrying our cross?

Let us pray. My sweet Jesus, by your grace enlighten me that I may realise the infinite value of your cross. Help me to accept the cross that you may send me and to carry it for as long as you may wish. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy On us.

Choir:    Who could see that Mother's grief
              without being saddened too,
              While She suffers with her Son?

Congr:   Holy Mother hear my prayers, 
              in my heart each wound renew,
              of Jesus my Saviour.

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

Amongst the crowd that witnessed the spectacle of Jesus in agony was a pious woman who took pity on Jesus. With her towel she wipes his blood stained face. The Saviour rewards her by imprinting on it his own image. What a graphic portrait Saint Veronica received! Let us reflect often on that image.

Let us pray. Good Jesus by your sufferings you have saved my life, restore my soul to the spotless state of my baptismal day. Grant me a gentle heart like that of Saint Veronica, and imprint into my heart the memory of your passion. Amen.

Our Father Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:     For the sins of all the people
               Saw Jesus hang in desolation,
               All with bloody scourges rent.

Congr:    Holy Mother hear my prayers,
               in my heart each wound renew,
               of Jesus my Saviour.

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus falls the second time under the cross

Jesus has fallen again so that He may raise up each one of us and all mankind from the stain of sin. How painful must have been the wounds on his most holy body! But even more than his wounds, He suffers because of the sins that we keep on committing. Let us once and for all bend our proud heads; let us be truly humble and learn to bear patiently any cross, for the love of God and in penance for our sins.

Let us pray. Gentle Jesus, you have fallen again under the burden of the cross. For the sake of the pains you felt in that fall, I pray that you will deliver me from my sins and never let me fall again. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:    See this most beloved Son,
              dying there in desolation,
              till His Spirit forth He sent.

Congr:   Holy Mother hear my prayers,
              in my heart each wound renew,
              of Jesus my Saviour.

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem

Pious women took pity on Jesus and were crying when they saw him covered with blood and wounds. But Jesus said to them: "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not cry over me, but for yourselves and for your children". Jesus is telling us the same:

"Do not cry over me, my son, but for you yourself and for your sins!" But where are our tears of sorrow for our sins?

Let us pray. Dear Jesus, you who prefer me to be sorry for my sins rather than to weep for your wounds, give me the grace to repent with a contrite heart for the sins and offences I have committed against you that I may be worthy to be happy with you in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father.  Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:      May the flame of my own heart,
               Love Jesus your Son,
               So that I may please Him.

Congr:    Holy Mother hear my prayers,
               in my heart each wound renew,
               of Jesus my Saviour

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus falls for the third time under the cross

Jesus falls for the third time under the cross, but does not give up his burden until he has completed the action of redemption. Why don't we want to carry the cross that leads us to heaven? in the cross is protection and defence, in the cross is life. in the cross is salvation. Let us, therefore, embrace the cross that we may gain eternal life.

Let us pray. Dear Jesus, in terrible agony you fell under the cross for the third time but got up again to embrace that heavy burden to complete the sacrifice for me: give me strength and perseverance to be most anxious for the salvation of my soul that by avoiding mortal sin I may not fall into the eternal abyss from which there is no escape. Amen.

Our Father Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:      Thy Son in torment on the cross,
                who for me was crucified,
                Let me share with thee his pain.

Congr:     Holy Mother hear my prayers,
                in my heart each wound renew,
               of Jesus my Saviour.

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus is stripped of his garments

Look how the executioners of Jesus even took off his garments. What indignity! God who clothes everything stands naked! His holy and pure body is exposed to mockery. Because of our vanity and love of worldly things he has to suffer such shame; he has to be without clothes in order to clothe us with that innocence which we lost by impure thoughts, words and deeds.

Let us pray. Innocent Jesus who on Calvary was shamefully exposed, give me grace to renounce old bad habits and sinful desire Help me so that what ever is sought after by evil-doers may be loathsome to me; thus you alone may be my true pleasure and consolation. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:     Let me mingle tears with thee
               For Jesus dear, beloved,
               All the days that I may live.

Congr:    Holy Mother hear my prayers,
              in my heart each wound renew,
              of Jesus my Saviour.

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus is nailed to the cross

Think how those barbarians pierce the sacred hands of Jesus with sharp nails, the hands that did so much good for people. Think how they pierce his feet on which lie walked only for human salvation. What do we deserve, who do so much injustice with our hands? We who so often walk on the forbidden and sinful paths. We have to satisfy God's justice. It is better to do it in this earthly life than in the next.

Let us pray. I adore you Jesus and beg that through your sacred passion you may grant me a true and sincere repentance; let me mortify the sinful lusts of my body and ever be true to you. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:    Virgin of all virgins best!
              Listen to my fond request:
              Let me share thy grief divine.

Congr:   Holy Mother hear my prayers,
              in my heart each wound renew,
              of Jesus my Saviour.

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus dies on the Cross

In terrible agony the Saviour is hanging on the cross and still his executioners taunt and curse him. But he does not condemn them; on the contrary, he prays for them: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!" Do we also forgive our enemies? Jesus died so that we may live. With his death, Jesus overcame death.

Let us pray. Patient Jesus who died on the cross, please draw me close to you on the holy cross! I do not deserve a happy death, but I pray you to be merciful to me because of your terrible death and grant that I may die with the cross in my hands and in your grace. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:     Let me be wounded with His wounds,
               Be saturated with His cross,
               And with the blood of your dear Son.

Congr:    Holy Mother hear my prayers,
               in my heart each wound renew,
               of Jesus my Saviour

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus is taken down from the cross

Let us contemplate the inexpressible grief of the Blessed Virgin Mary when they placed the dead body her dear Son in her arms. Sin pierced her motherly heart with a sword of great sadness. Let us repent of our sins and have pity for the mother who suffers so much for us. Try to avoid failing again lest we inflict more suffering on her by our sins.

Let us pray. O sorrowful Mother of Jesus and my mother. I beg you because of the bitter anguish you suffered when you received the dead body of your divine Son into your arms. receive my soul as well into your motherly care at the moment of my death. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us.

Choir:     Be to me, O Virgin, nigh,
               Lest in flames I burn and die.
               In his awful Judgement day.

Congr:    Holy Mother hear my prayers,
               in my heart each wound renew,
               O Jesus my Saviour.

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Jesus is laid in the Sepulchre

Pious Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus gave their last respects to the Saviour by laying his sacred body in a sepulchre, as yet unused. But the body of Jesus did not remain in the tomb; soon he rose with glory from death, body and soul together. We too will be laid to rest one day. Let our bodies be worn out by our good deeds and endeavours so that we too may rise gloriously to eternal life.

Let us pray. Jesus, the source of all life, through your resurrection let me rise to new life; by dying to sin let me rise to eternal life with you. Amen.

Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be to the Father. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us,

Choir:    While my body here decays,
              May my soul thy goodness praise,
              With your glory for ever.

Congr:   Holy Mother hear my prayers,
              in my heart each wound renew,
              of Jesus my Saviour.

We adore you O Christ and praise you, because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.


Good Jesus, for the grace which you have given me through these devotions, accept this my prayer in memory of your suffering, in repentance for my sins and to the consolation and help of the holy souls in purgatory. Do not permit, Jesus, that the infinite sacrifice of your sacred blood be lost for me, but give me your grace and lead me from this life to eternal happiness. Amen.

Praised be Jesus Christ our crucified Redeemer and his sorrowful Mother Mary, under his Cross.

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Photos of the ' Stations of The Cross' at Penzance Catholic Church


Lent resources 

video Stations of the Cross from Plymouth Cathedral - 19th Feb 2021

Mary's Way of The Cross - Meditations

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