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Coronavirus restrictions and the Parish. Maintaining our Devotional Life. Information, Mass, Prayers, links.
How to participate in Mass (and more) during the Covid-19 restrictions

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Holy Mass times are in Newsletters available via our News page - with articles, links and information

Covid 19 precautions: The Health & Safety of each and every one is paramount. Please be aware and respectful of each other in our church buildings.

For updates after July 19th 2021 easing of restrictions, see Newsletters.

A short Statement from Catholic Bishops Conference on attending Mass after 19th July.

visit our News page + links to Masses online + Homilies from Fr. Philip + The 'Sunday Message' for readings etc. and many more links of interest.

Music for the Triduum during Covid-19 restrictions on singing, from choir and musicians at our church.


Other previous items pending full page update

Bishop Mark's 5th Jan 2021, 3rd lockdown pastoral message (pdf) or video

UK Gov website

Statement from Catholic Bishops Conference on the 2nd National Lockdown

'Return from Exile' watch a reflection by Bishop Mark on the resumption of Public Masses

Opening of Churches for Mass letter from the Metropolitan Archbishops of the Catholic Church in England

Avoid Coronavirus NHS track and trace phone scams BBC article

Cardinal Vincent Nichols' statement - Catholic churches that can safely do so will re-open for individual prayer from 15 June ... “Not every Catholic Church will be open ... Local decisions and provision have to lead this process.” ... also his video message 10th June. local updates are in newsletters.

How to pray and re-connect with the church as places of worship re-open for private prayer. Archbishop John Wilson speaks as St George's, Southwark, reopens for individual, private prayer - watch

BBC Radio Cornwall - Make a Difference Coronavirus help and support links from organisations and individuals. video calling for 1st timers | more advice in this BBC news article

Ten suggestions from an enclosed Carmelite order on how to get through these days in confinement and not perish in the attempt!

Avoid Coronavirus NHS track and trace phone scams BBC article

Older articles

Cardinal Vincent Nichols' video message 24th March: "Closing churches is the right thing to do to save lives." This message in response to Government announcement 23rd March, strengthening restrictions to combat the spread of COVID-19 ... "we must all play our part to safeguard the NHS and to save 'precious lives."

"We're going to play our full part in it. That was the call of St. Paul that we ought to be good citizens and today we ought to be good citizens playing our part in the protection of the vulnerable, in our support for the NHS and in the preserving of human life, which is so precious to God in the face of this virus."

"We're beginning to reflect on the experience of the streaming of the celebration of Mass on Sunday and on yesterday's week day. There are many, many encouraging signs. I've heard of congregations being 10 times the normal size. I've heard of families preparing together at home. Families having their own little children's liturgy during the reading of the Word...

"...So we have to deepen our prayer. We have to use the Internet, and all the other things that we have, to encourage one another."
click here to watch

Cardinal Nichols' 18th March video message, 'a message of hope with Jesus Christ at its centre' is here

Bishop Mark: “This period of isolation has given us the confidence to embrace new platforms to communicate God’s message of love and hope ... ” article

L O C K D O W N is a time to:

L - isten to God’s voice and reflect. Let go & let God.
O - bey His Word and His Teachings.
C - all on Jesus name and be calm.
K - now what is the purpose of all of this.
D - well in His presence. Do not panic.
O - ffer a prayer for everyone’s safety.
W - ait and be patient. This too, shall pass.
N - urture our personal relationship with Him.
... God bless us all. (Diocese of Plymouth Facebook 23rd March)


Letter from CBCEW is here + CBCEW Coronavirus page


THE GOD WHO SPEAKS: The next sessions of the Diocesan teaching tour have been recorded and are available on the Diocesan website  and Facebook page.

1) How Catholics Read the Bible 
2) Christ in the Old Testament 
3) The Fulfilment of the Covenant in the New Testament. 

Let’s use our ‘lockdown’ time profitably.  Further Scriptural resources are available on
God bless. Fr. Jon. Vicariate for Evangelisation & Catechesis 


HM Government Coronavirus + guidance on staying at home: "The single most important action we can all take, in fighting coronavirus, is to stay at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives."

NHS: Advice for everyone - Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Homilies - Masses online - Spiritual Communion & Act of Contrition etc

Prayers relevant to the Coronavirus pandemic are here

To watch parts 4 & 5 of our CaFE course, 'Let It Be', click here

If you can support the parish by Bank payment or standing order, please email for account details


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A message from Devon and Cornwall Police - lockdown 2020

In these ever changing times, if you need to contact the police, and it’s not an emergency why not contact us using one of our online methods? By visiting our website you can report non-emergency crime and queries through our online contact methods:

WebChat - allows you to talk directly to our contact centre staff, just the same as calling them. It’s simple and easy to use and can be accessed through any desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Report Crime Online - if you want to report a crime or tell the police about something that’s already happened then fill in the details on the online crime reporting form ( and once submitted your information/crime report will be logged.

If you have a question, but not sure who can help then AskNED - our online directory will provide the answers to all your non-emergency questions. Visit enter your question, select your location and AskNED will provide you with the answer.

So why call when you don’t have to - go online:

Linzi Berryman (Police, DC Alert Officer, Devon & Cornwall)

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“He said not 'Thou shalt not be tempested, thou shalt not be travailed, thou shalt not be dis-eased'; but He said, 'Thou shalt not be overcome.” ~ Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love


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