Weekly Offering envelopes are available for
gift aiders and those wishing to use envelopes for their weekly offering.
you are a tax payer and do not yet gift
aid, please consider it, as
is at no extra cost to yourself.
If you do not pay tax, please
consider using envelopes to plan. It is the regular giving that keeps our head above water.
Cheques should be payable to 'PRCDTR Penwith
Aid' envelopes are also available for
visitors who can support us this
'free' extra way with any offering you wish to make in the Sunday
collection. Thank you. It really helps.
If you would like to contribute
financially to the work of our parish, you can also make
donations under the Gift Aid scheme, either as a regular
contributor or by a 'one off' donation.
For more information or
about leaving us a legacy, please contact Fr. Philip & the Parish
continue to think about new ideas & pass on to Fr. Philip, as
all our buildings need continued maintenance and renewal. For current fundraising
events see newsletter
Donations (which can be gift aided) to our 'Pilgrimage Assistance Fund' are very welcome. Help for anyone who cannot afford full cost of pilgrimage to Walsingham, Medjugorje,
Lourdes, etc